The 2nd year for the Bow Craft Fair adding Sunday is not the huge crowds of the Saturday that has grown for 39 years, but still had many shoppers browsing for great gifts. My hearts sell the best here, last year and this year again, and I began the holiday with my largest and most varied group ever!
My Booth with hearts
2018 Hearts for the Holiday Season
My Saturday post was focused on getting it out in a timely fashion to maybe get a few extra shoppers in for Sunday. So, I didn’t take the time to post my customers for Saturday and this post will include both days.
Thanks Donna!
4 hearts! Thanks Jennifer!
Donna and Jennifer were my first customers and such a delight and good sports to take some photos. As usual, the Dot Hearts are a popular hit and make really great stocking stuffers.
Osage Orange heart with Abalam mosaic heart inlay
Now, everyone does not want their picture taken which is perfectly fine, but they say I can still tell their story. The Osage Orange heart with Abalam mosaic heart inlay shown above was purchased by a mother whose daughter bought her a heart from me last year. So she is reciprocating.
She also said her father went to the auction of the old NH Highway Hotel items and she has a windowframe from there that she made into a photodisplay and the heart is hanging on the old hook. How sweet and I just love stories like this!
Thanks so much Linda!
raw, elongated Redheart and Bocote hearts
Another sweet story came from Linda as she purchased this crazy, elongated Redheart heart. She spends time and travels with her aunt whose husband, I think, was a woodworker and she said how her aunt would appreciate the knot that makes the grain have wild designs (I always try to include knots and other imperfections).
“Key to my Heart” with less than 2” Yellowheart heart and Abalone dot inlay
3” Purpleheart heart with Cocobolo heart inlay and Rosewood dot; and 3” Ebony heart with Golden Mother-of-Pearl tree mosaic inlay
Being camera-shy does not mean a dislike for the items as the 3 hearts above bought by my customer who preferred not to be photographed shows. She was so supportive and excited for my craft, I appreciated that.
Thanks for being a good sport Bill!
Then there is the opposite of that. Bill was ok with me taking his picture, but not to show the item……….shhhhh…………it’s a secret!
Thanks Jaylee!
less than 2” Black and White Ebony hearts with Mother-of-Pearl dot inlays
Jaylee bought one of the smallest dot inlay hearts in Black and White Ebony and Pearl dot inlay. That Black and White Ebony is stunning!
Sarah purchased this lush and plush Cheetah drawstring bag with the softest gold satin lining. The thick outside fabric holds firmly while the lining is so smooth and delicate.
Thanks Sarah and extra thanks to Tracy for being ok with being dragged into the picture by Sarah and I!
satin lining
Cheetah drawstring bag with gold satin lining
close-up on fabrics and cord
Aviva (what a beautiful name) purchased this smaller Rosewood heart and in the picture below it shows the beautiful grain and the small hint of a rosy color inbetween the darker.
Aviva! Thank you so much!
a little bigger than 2” Rosewood heart with Golden Mother-of-Pearl solid heart inlay
I try to have a display photo of some different designs at shows because some designs go so fast, but I can always make another and get it to the buyer in just over a week (or it can be picked up at one of my shows). These 2 hearts below I will be making for just that reason. On my website are many different types and just send a message to start the process.
Purpleheart heart with Golden Mother-of-Pearl split shamrock inlay
Ebony heart with Pearl paw inlay
Thanks so much KIm!
On Sunday my first customer was Kim, she purchased a dot inlay heart and she let me take her beautiful picture. The Redheart she chose has the rich colored grain that is shown below on a similar heart.
less than 2” Redheart back
Sarah and Marybeth also purchased a Redheart dot inlay heart. Even the same type of wood can be a little different from piece to piece, but the 2 Redhearts they chose were a very deep and rich red.
Thanks Sarah and Marybeth!
The Vendors, especially working alone, are so appreciative of any help or attention they can get. Luca and Eli, students at the school and friends of my nephew Finnian, walked around all throughout the show with a cart of coffee and donuts for vendors to purchase early and then drinks and food later on. My picture was blurry that I took of them so I didn’t post it, but wanted to send them thanks regardless…………THANKS LUCA AND ELI!!!
Frank performing his craft (yesterday he had a kilt on and I wasn’t fast enough to snap the picture and wasn’t sure where he went)
Sullivan Handweaving (in my haste neglected to get your name, I apologize)
I saw a few vendors on Sunday that I wanted to include and Sullivan’s Handweaving is DEFINITELY one of them. Such beautiful items! The art is wonderful in itself, but the beauty of the colors, combinations and feel is over the top. For more information:
603-352-7806 or
Sullivan Handweaving
Lisa from The Ornament Smith, has what I think is always a great addition to a holiday fair…..personalized ornaments! I’ve received some in my life and they are so cute and so specific with your name, it’s a great gift to get. A facebook page will be coming shortly if you would like more information in the future.
The Ornament Smith
Last, but certainly not least, are these lifelike bird carvings. There is such great detail and beautiful colors they are hard to resist…..and don’t! For more information on Henry and Sue Boudreau’s craft visit
Bird Carving from the Wild
Bird Carvings from the Wild
Lastly, I would just like to reiterate my credo of……….take some time to look at the beauty and interest of the small things. Things don’t have to be big and in your face to be enjoyed and appreciated. So many people walk by my booth and don’t see my purpose. But look at the detail in nature………it’s incredible.
Mahogany with Abalone dot, Rosewood with Pearl dot, Purpleheart with Pearl dot, and Tiger Caspi with Abalone
Tiger Caspi with Abalone dot
Mahogany, Osage Orange, Myrtle, Bocote, Rosewood
And also…………………D E C O R A T E !!
Here are the contacts for more information for the vendors I posted on Saturday: email - email - rjm woodworks phone 603-455-3715 email - phone 603-362-6468 - - mothernaturedesigns Laurie LTA3333@hotmail.ocm - maggies phone 603-542-2840 - gourdeaouscreations Lynn phone 603-672-8551 - wildmountaintiedyes and whitemountainsbotanicals Sarah phone603-254-4188 email