Here we go into 2017! I am imagining beautiful spring weather and flowers as I will be beginning my next dollhouse project and looking to my last one in this scene for inspiration.
The dollhouse below was the catalyst to my dollhouse making. My husband John and our daughter Alyssia assembled it together, wallpapering with wallpaper from the real house and nearly finishing it, but as a young girl would be, she was so anxious to start playing with it done or not. All the pieces were still around and I hate to leave something so special to just sit and gather dust, so I finished it. It was very enlightening for me as I love miniatures and I have had so much woodworking experience with John, it was a natural direction to go in to making dollhouses!
I love the look of the candlelight and string of lights at night. Also taking pictures looking into the windows with those lights and imagining the scene.
I didn't have anything to go by and I think I attached a few pieces incorrectly, but for the most part everything turned out well.
Now every year I bring it out and display it at Christmastime as I also decorated it with that in mind. It is full of memories and adds to the holiday decor.
This one below is my 2nd dollhouse.
My last dollhouse, the above which was my 2nd, I also decorated with the holidays in mind. I was inspired by the interior decorating of the house in Home Alone. The McCallister's home is simply a gorgeously decorated home with a hint of Christmas. When you really look at it, there are lots of reds and greens and Christmas-like embellishments. I mean, it is a Christmas movie, but even without those decorations, the wallpapers, curtains, beddings, things like that still give the look.
When I sold #2 online in my Etsy shop, the buyer asked if I could wallpaper the top/3rd floor if she sent me the wallpaper. Absolutely no problem! Look at these pictures and you can see what lovely choices she made and how terrific it looks.
As I mention below, I carted #2 to all my 2015 holiday shows.
2015 Atkinson Holiday Craft Fair
2015 Intown Holiday Markets at the Brady Sullivan Plaza, Manchester
Now for the real start of it 1st dollhouse. I hand-assemble the kits and then all the color choices, moldings, finishes, wallpapers are my choices. I take pride in making the structures very sturdy and long-lasting, adding what I need to make that happen. I feel attaching the dollhouse to a base is crucial. It makes everything stay firmly in place and allows carrying ease and turns freely. Because of the ease of carrying, I actually brought #2 to every show during the holidays in 2015, it was my heavy best friend. I didn't bring it because I thought I would sell it necessarily (although that would've been great), but more for the interest and feedback. I have sold both my dollhouses online in my Etsy shop.
This room shows the sunlight reflections so well.
My dollhouses are not designed in classic Victorian, but a bit more modern. Personally I like that better.
This picture showing the turret was an idea of mine to clad the tower/turret in a copper-like material. It was my first use of this and I found out there are a lot of choices and thicknesses, but I will delve into that more in the future. It was a beautiful touch.
The outside house colors that I choose are mostly bold, bright colors that I think would be enticing to children. One of the best things my husband ever said to me (as a carpenter he has his strong opinions) was to just go with my choices because they seem to be working.
I like taking pictures of the dollhouses outside so they look like a real house and the sun coming through the windows looks terrific.
My next dollhouse project is in the works, beginning stages, but I had a new idea that I am soooooo excited about and I know others will feel the same way. I plan to take pictures of the process along the way and just check in with me from time to time to see either the progress or the finished product.
Just please remember that these dollhouses with so many memories attached can still be part of the family during the holidays and they add so much!!!
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