The final Thursday night Veteran's Park show of the free concerts series was completed last night with a bang by the powerful, horn-driven Manchuka. This show was cancelled previously due to bad weather from July 13th, but the crowd still came through to enjoy the performances.
Andy Kiniry was the opening act and welcomed the crowd with popular songs that were well-liked and received and included singing along with him at times.
Haley and Brit
Then, a little while later, Brit came and purchased this cute jean bag with black leather fringe and the girls let me take another picture. Wow, don't they look great! And thanks so much girls!
During Andy's performance, I had the pleasure of meeting Haley and Brit and their grandmother. Their grandmother, as always being equally loving to each grandchild, gave them some cash to buy something and Haley liked this popular bag with the tassels and jewels. I asked these lovely young ladies to model the bag for me because I'm always looking for young girls to make my bags look good and they graciously agreed.
Brit and Haley
Rene isn't as serious as he looks here. Thanks Rene!
A funny coincidence, my customer above, Rene, bought this curly maple heart with a redheart wood heart inlay and just a few minutes later, Renee, came and bought a tiger bag. Rene and Renee (not together) both told me where to put the accents, sorry I can't do it here, but I do care about things like that!
Renee, thanks for modeling this for me!
Ginny used to work for the forest service, I love that! She saw my woodworking and decided I (and my husband John) could maybe help her with a cedar chest that has some "dog" damage. You never know unless you ask the question, right Ginny! Thanks!
You bet I purposely chose this section of tiger caspi to include those knots.
Ginny bought multiple small dot inlay hearts. I recently finished a lot of that size in new woods. I try to have the small, inexpensive ones to lure a customer in to my world of loving the woods and taking the time to see the intricacies of the grains and natural wood colors.
Mahogany, Bocote, Rosewood, Osage Orange, Myrtle, Bubinga
Mahogany, Rosewood, Purpleheart, East Indian Marblewood
This Bocote heart with diamond abalone inlay made my eyes wide with delight when I first saw the knothole and crazy grain on the large, flat, rectangular piece. It's the epitome of my looking for special interest in the woods. Following along with that, I certainly made the cutting of the hearts on this Osage Orange below to include the heart-shaped cute!
The energized Manchuka wowed the crowd right off the bat with the full, booming sound of the band including the large horn section. People were dancing to the driving hits and the tender ballads. They sent the audience off with great songs to remember and calling for more, however they played the full time frame and couldn't do an encore, but everyone loved it!
the powerful horn section
Thank you Michael!
I couldn't see these guys from where I was, so I walked over and took this picture.