What a great day at the Made in NH Expo Saturday! It seems like the place to see and be seen. So many nice people, families, friends, having so much fun checking out all the different vendors, sampling wonderful foods, and enjoying the entertainment. It was a crowded day, but all baby strollers, wheelchairs and walkers were welcomed and all people seemed happy to take their time and go with the flow. I had so many wonderful customers to talk with and share my story to. Some asked of all my seemingly unconnected products, "So what is the story behind this display?" I was happy to fill them in. Here are pics of some good-hearted people that let me take their picture for my blog.
Pam and Debbie checking out my hearts. Thanks for letting me take your picture after your purchase!
Thanks Donna, Dot and Betsy for allowing me to take your picture after your purchase! (Sorry for the closed eyes, I didn't have my close glasses on)
Some of these bags have been sold, but they will be 10% off today.
Well, I will be leaving for the final day of the expo and my special for this day will be 10% off all of my bags! This was my first year and I am so proud to be a vendor at this expo. It means so much to me to be a part of the artisan community of NH. Thanks!
Karin will put my heart on her beautiful lit tree in her home with all her special, collectable items. The Osage Orange wood will certainly sparkle with the lights. Thanks Karin!
Ernie is my example that my products are not just for women. Thanks Ernie for letting me take your picture and for purchasing some bags for your, as you told me, Large collection of pouches. I also had a gentleman purchase some bags, one to use for his chess pieces (it was very soft and velvety.)
And you didn't want your picture taken! What a great picture and thanks to Staci and Beth for this bag purchase.
And last...........but CERTAINLY not least is the Wolfman from Clarks Trading Post!!! Like I said......"see and be seen!"