The Concord Arts Market is a colorful courtyard of creative artists in a surprisingly serene and inviting hardscape just off Main Street in Concord, NH. The sound of the running water gently muffles any bigger city street sounds and along the entryway from Warren Street are quaint sitting areas at the True Brew Cafe where customers can drink special drinks/coffees and take in the whole scene.
Entrance to the upper courtyard from Warren Street
The lower courtyard
All through the market are couples, dogs on leashes (one in a cart being pulled!), baby carriages, and many children with their parents. In comparison to some other Saturdays, it was just a little slow (I was told because this was my first one), but still many shoppers. And, believe it or not, quite a few Pokemon Go (sp.?) participants.
Here they were right next to me ..... could my booth have been a ....... whatever?!
Very curious
Thanks to Bethany and her mom and best of luck!
I missed taking a picture of the keyboard entertainment as the first musical performer, although I heard a lot of familiar songs and one that surprised me, Alley Cat, that made me think I was at a wedding in the 60's or 70's! I did get a picture of the second performer which was Bethany on the violin. Where I was I couldn't hear her well, but when I walked back by to give a donation to her "help me go to camp" jar I think she was playing the Irish Washerwoman which is close to my heart because my husband and son and I play it in Celtic Knot with Ben Rudnick. If it wasn't that tune, it was an Irish jig and it sounded terrific! Thanks to Bethany's mom for letting me take her picture.
Thank you so much Shawn!
Bocote wood heart with abalone diamond shape inlay
My first sale of the day was Shawn and he purchased a new heart and one of my favorites. The wood is Bocote and I made this odd shaped heart to include the "imperfection" of the knothole so as to include the wild grain design surrounding it. I inlaid a diamond abalone piece for the embellishment. I knew someone with great and quirky taste would buy it, and I do not mean anything negative in that description!
Thank you Catharine and I love your handwriting!
I gave away two "D" hearts, one to Catharine for being my "customer of the day" and to Maria, whose lovely demeanor and darling headband compelled me to speak to her. Her English was limited, but we understood each other and I admire her for being happy with her unique self at 85.
My other sale of the day was Catharine, whom I declared my "customer of the day" for purchasing 4 of the small hearts with abalone dot inlay. When someone like Catharine ooohhs and aaahhhs over your painstakingly done items that you yourself love so much, it does a "heart" good. She bought them as Christmas gifts for her friends, trying a bit to hide them from her friend in the background.
The lovely Maria, an inspiration, and behind her is the very talented, Emily, with her "spray paint art" which is so beautiful, colorful and unique.
My booth on the elevated stage area.
My booth from behind