These holiday items are examples of what I have to offer for choices. If I don't have them on sale now, I can create them at anytime only depending on date with the evergreens. The drawstring bags and hearts can be mailed, but the evergreens will be sold at shows or delivered locally. The gourd arrangements are expensive to ship so also will be for sale at shows or delivered locally. Please contact me with any questions or special orders through a Squarespace message, through an Etsy message or email.
indoor/outdoor log basket arrangement
Purpleheart heart with golden Mother-of-Pearl tree mosaic inlay
boxwood tree arrangement
small ceramic ivy cup mixed arrangement
holiday decorated birdhouse gourd arrangement
small red velvet bag with soft lining
indoor/outdoor log basket arrangement
miniature holiday ornament gourds
red quilted bag with clear heart beads and white felt lining
small boxwood tree arrangement in glass container
natural poly finish birdhouse gourd with sparkles and holiday decorations
holiday kissing ball with bells
tall holiday mixed evergreen arrangement

boxwood tree arrangements glass container (left) and tin container (right)
olive green velvet bag with tassel drawstring

real mixed evergreen holiday garland
evergreen arrangement table

holiday decorated birdhouse gourd arrangement
indoor/outdoor mixed evergreen log basket arrangement
small boxwood tree arrangement in clay pot
red corduroy bag with yellow satin brocade lining
indoor/outdoor log basket arrangement
indoor/outdoor log basket arrangement
miniature holiday gourd ornament
Purpleheart heart with golden Mother-of-Pearl poinsettia inlay
tall ceramic holiday mug arrangement
medium size arrangement in Santa ceramic container