The Art Jam Bridge Fest 2017 held on the Notre Dame/Bridge Street Bridge was a beautiful scene on a beautiful day in Manchester. There was an exciting amount of activities happening all along the bridge: musical artists, painters, dancers, kid's area, face painting, as well as all kinds of foods and different other vendors. I felt privileged to be on that bridge above the Merrimack River as an artist in this great event in my hometown.
The beautiful view from my booth
As I said in my last post, being an artist in the art jam, I approached this event differently displaying the various stages of my heart production, from the raw blocks and strips to the raw sawn hearts and lastly to the hand saw and Dremel to show the inlay process. I loved this approach and people were so eager to hear my whole story.
It's hard to see everything in this photo, but at the right end of my table are the blocks and strips of wood. The first drawer is filled with the raw hearts, the other finished hearts and behind the drawers I had the tools for hand sawing the pearl and the Dremel to rout out the design in the hearts.
I would just like to state right here.......This Was My Best Single Show Ever!!!! I barely had time to take all my customer's pictures, nevermind walk around!
When I did get a moment to take a picture of one of the painters (he was painting with his hand) who was nearby and then my neighbor artists to the right and left of me, and that is all I could find time for.
Joshlee (as his hand-written note said by his head IG: joshlee3288) said he was only on instagram with his handwritten advertising, but obviously his advertising is in his painting.....intense!
My neighbor artists to the right were the collaborative team of Sami and Emily, at least on some of the masks. They each displayed their separate artistry also.
Emily's art is of natural history and imaginative illustration (contact info: or twitter: @EThorpe_6 and on Etsy)
Sami does these wild masks and her contact info is IG: SAMISAURUS_REXX or
I am missing one name but the students here are (not necessarily in order) Cam, Corine, Kelly and Lauren.
The Trinity High School National Arts Honor Society were my neighbors to the left selling all kinds of art made by the students which included the beautiful photography of ZMP Photography.
There was a constant stream of visitors to the Bridge Fest and their ticket price was to benefit various local organizations fighting the opiod/herion crisis, and at the same time check out the wonderful artists/performers.
Bridge view to the west
Bridge view to the east
And now for my wonderful customers that are so good-natured to allow me to take a picture of them with their happy smiles and sometimes sassy attitudes shining through.
Thank you Jenna and Haley for purchasing a heart for your Mom.
I love this heart that Sam purchased
The heart that Sam purchased is pictured on the left here before any poly. It is dark ebony with the beautiful, contrasting Osage Orange heart inlay and an abalone dot. She liked how simple the combination was.
Thank you Belah and your mother for allowing me to take your picture!
Throughout the day, I made 3 hearts into necklaces on the problem! The small hearts are great as necklaces. I plan to sometime use a jewelry-type clasp end to use as a bracelet, but right now the necklace just ties at the end and goes over the head.
Thank you so much Neveah and Briana!
Glad to make your heart into a necklace, Cindy, and I hope I didn't bug you putting it over your head....Thanks!
Thank you so much Linda and Penny, you made my day!
My customers of the day, I must say, were Linda and Penny. I was focusing my artistry on my hearts, but I still displayed my bags............and they were all about bags! They each bought the one that they are wearing in the picture and they made me feel so great raving about them. Then.....they sent their friend over and she bought one also. Then....they came back and purchased two more for, I think, Penny's daughter? Wow, they were terrific!
Rose was Linda and Penny's friend who bought the red and gold tapestry with beaded tassels she's wearing and then surprised me with Buffy her dog inside the bag she had on her left shoulder!
Thank you Rose.
Rose and Buffy...surprise....I have a dog in my bag!
Thank you Mary Lou!
Thank you Kiara!
I have learned that I should always have a good supply of my $5 dot inlay hearts because they are a very popular item, inexpensive, and it introduces customers into my world of hearts.
Thank you Maureen!
Sarah and Maria, thanks so much!
As you can see with these many wonderful, smiling faces, those hearts are my best selling single item.
Thank you Laurel and thanks so much for the hug!
mix of dot inlay heart with a few others
Sarah, thanks for your purchase and picture!
Thanks Janet (my middle name, my mother's name and her grandmother's name)!
Thank you Bella, Brenda and Ginger!
spalted Tamarind heart with Abalam heart inlay
Brenda purchased my brand new heart that looks like it's made out of marble, the spalted Tamarind, that has incredibly interesting detail made by the fungus that moves through the wood. And after I twisted Robert's arm, he let me take his picture, I don't get a lot of males, so I was forceful, but not abusive, haha.
Robert purchased this small Mahogany heart with golden Mother-of-Pearl mosaic heart inlay
Thanks Robert!
Thank you so much Alicia and Caleb!
What a great experience that seemed to go off without any problems (good organization is an art in itself) and I was proud to be involved to benefit from the generous attendees willing to support the arts. I listed links to various artists and organizations, please click on them for more information and like and share with your friends to support the arts. Thank you!