After the rain drenching Friday weather, this Saturday's Concord Arts Market started misty and cloudy but eventually changed into this beautiful, warm August day! Customers were slow to visit the square in the morning, but came out to enjoy the day and visit the artisans as it warmed up. I was surprised to hear from some of the visitors that they had no idea this market was happening and asking when it began and how long does it last. All should know about this charming square and the talented artisans and vendors that participate. I have seen quite a few of the visitors walking by with green plant ends hanging out of their bags/backpacks, which means they are coming from the Farmer's Market which seems to be very popular. That would be a great day, visiting the Farmer's Market and then visiting the Arts Market and also include having a meal at the many restaurants nearby.
One of the talented artisans was my vendor neighbor Sue Anne Bottomley and her husband. Sue Anne's family is involved in her business and all contribute to her finished products. I love her work! It is just incredible, and being able to meet people like Sue Anne is one reason why doing these shows can be so great.
some of her cards
her 2 books
Sue Anne has 2 books to her credit and is working on the 3rd. Her book, the Colorful Journey, shows one of her works for every town in New Hampshire, 234, and a few blurbs about the scene in the drawings/paintings. It's amazing! The 3rd book is 100 drawings/paintings on Portsmouth. She has completed 99 and has 1 more to do. Great work!
Sue Anne's husband, I should have gotten his name, showed me a little workbook of her drawings. What a charming book....I loved it! Hope to see them again at another venue.
Thanks so much Susan!
All the different designer fabric used in my first group of this size bag, including Susan's, which is at the top.
I was finding out from my customers, that the visitors to the square and the purchases of my items, were going to many places. Susan, who is visiting from Dallas, bought this small bag, a line of mine for eyeglasses/small phones, for her glasses because of the size, but also because of the softness of the inside on the glass. So obviously this bag is going to Dallas!
Then, here is Anny, who will be going to England to give the bag she is holding as a gift to her daughter. She liked it very much and as I finished the bag early in the am that same day (actually I finally finished it at the market), I knew it would be bought pretty quickly. Sometimes you just know. It was a beautiful, lush black and bronze sort-of carpet-like fabric with a deep gold satin lining. Just before she left my booth, she added this small black velvet bag with red satin lining for her granddaughter I think. She was a delightful customer.
Thank you Anny!
small black velvet bag with red satin lining
I had another customer who did not want her picture taken (I support that, no hard feelings!) that purchased a small ebony heart with a heart mosaic inlay of golden Mother-of-Pearl that I changed the leather tie on to make it a necklace. It was for her daughter-in-law, I think, who was moving further away and she wanted something special for her.
Then, at the very end of the day (any vendor that packs up early should listen to this) just after 3:00pm when packing has begun, I took my time and my last customer, Brenda, came purposely to buy a New Hampshire item from someone and luckily that was me! Again, this was a bag that I just completed at the market and she told me her story and that she sends holiday/birthday/etc. gifts to quite a few distant places that include Washington, Pennsylvania, Florida (I might not have remembered correctly each one), but suffice to say, the items are sent far away and what great exposure! She attends many shows in the area that include the Made in NH Expo at the Radisson in Manchester and supports local, NH businesses/artisans. She wants to show her family what we here have to offer.
Thank you so much Brenda!
As the usual, there was musical entertainment to enhance the browsing experience. On the stage area where my booth had been located the first 2 markets, was Michael and Wade, saxophone and keyboards (but which was which I'm not sure) serenading us with many tunes including "Tequila!"
Michael and Wade
NH Writers' Project members playing wonderful duets.
My neighbor vendors on the side opposite Sue Anne Bottomley were the NH Writers' Project booth and a few of the members played some songs throughout the day when Michael and Wade were not. I didn't think I would be crying at the market, but they played Ashokan Farewell and that did it. It is a beautiful song on its own from the Civil War series by Ken Burns, but add that my son, Christos, plays it on the violin, has played it in a duo with me on the piano when he was little and played it with my husband, John, at my mother's funeral service a few years ago, that is one special song to me. They played many other songs including Pachelbel's Canon, I Shall Be Released and the Water is Wide.....all lovely. They are members of the Concord NHWP. I spoke with a woman from the Manchester chapter and she encouraged me to check them out. My daughter Alyssia and I are collaborating on a childrens book that I want Alyssia to illustrate.
Alyssia is incredible!
Look at her renderings....amazing!
Alyssia with her final project at Suffolk University quite a few years ago now.
These are some of Alyssia's "renderings" or illustrations she drew for her final project at Suffolk University. She is a busy Interior Designer, but she is so talented at drawing, both of us need to find the time to finish the idea.
Thank you Elizabeth and Jack for letting me photograph you guys! Your jewelry looked beautiful and had such great design Elizabeth.
Marguerite, I'm sorry I didn't notice your eyes were closed. It's all so split second, but thank you so much for allowing me to take your picture.
Elsa and Susan, thank you so much! Elsa bought a "key to my heart" heart, which I started doing after I found a container full of old rusty skeleton keys. I put a heart with a dot inlay on a ring with a skeleton key, it's pretty cute.
I always try to have many different woods of the $5 hearts with the dot inlays precisely for this reason.....all 4 of these customers bought one. It is an inexpensive way for a customer to give my hearts a try.
This was probably my last Concord Arts Market Saturday this year, but I am so impressed with it and I enjoyed the square, the artisans, the vendors, the visitors, the dogs......everything! I am including links to some sites I mentioned, please click on them, find out more information and like and share the info with friends. If anyone wants to send me a message or let me know if any information was incorrect, don't hesitate to contact me.