Hey Manchesterites! Take advantage of and be a part of the wonderful and FREE concert series at Veteran's Park in downtown Manchester. Come on down with your chairs, family, friends and even dogs on a leash and just enjoy the friendly fun, food and music.
This was my family and dog on a leash last year in August.
There is quite a variety of performers and types of music. It varies from single songwriter acts like Jordan Levesque, Alex Preston and Amanda McCarthy (with a couple other players),
Jordan Levesque
Amanda McCarthy and friends
Albie Montessero Band
Foreigners Journey
the 69th Army Band
There were many great moments, bands and people to see, but the National Anthem sung at the beginning of the August 20th show was maybe the most special.
So, come on down and have some fun participating in a simple way with the Manchester community. Stop by and say hi!
Alex Preston
to large bands with large band energy like the Adam Ezra Band, the Albie Montessero, the Jimmy Lehoux Band, Foreigners Journey,
Adam Ezra Band
the Jimmy Lehoux Band
as well as Rockspring and the 69th Army Band.
Then there was the energetic a cappella group, Profile Chorus, for something a little different.
Profile Chorus
Veteran singing the National Anthem