Diane Zevos DiZigns

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TRHS Craft and Vendor Fair

The 2nd Annual TRHS Craft and Vendor Fair began with pouring rain…..then clearing…..then BLUSTERY! (as the leaves are dancing in the school photo above) and we were all blown around as we loaded up, but it was a fun success none-the-less.

entrance to the gym

outside entrance to the gym

The gym was sparkling with the activity from all the great vendors preparing their spaces for the anticipated attendees looking to find something special. Even with the unsettling weather the attendance was good.

There was a raffle table that ran the entire length of the gym with all sorts of donated items from the vendors.

raffle table facing entrance

view from the entrance as you walk in

my space

My latest finished hearts, the best variety ever

Thanks so much Sue!

My first customer of the day was Sue and she purchased this darling little rosewood heart with a solid Golden Mother-of-Pearl heart inlay. It’s actually harder to make a small heart with inlay being careful of your scroll saw and the Dremel tool routing. It’s tricky.

Pam, sorry I called you the wrong name after you first came to my booth. That’s why I write things down. Thanks Pam!

Pam chose one of the ever popular dot inlay hearts. I had the most varied wood types ever for this show. The dot inlay hearts show all the quality and beauty of the larger more intricate ones. Pam chose the Bocote with Pearl dot inlay. Pam was a vendor with a large space of her own with Don. They call their business Coastal Creations. There are a few pictures of their creations below and to get in contact with them for further information the phone number is 860-949-3658 and email is pamfuller59@yahoo.com.

Coastal Creations

Coastal Creations

Coastal Creations

And then there was Gail! She was so wonderful and supportive, brought back friends a couple of times, and all purchased some of my favorite hearts.

Gail holding the new paw design, simple but very popular. Thanks for everything Gail!

Shirley and Gail with the Spalted Tamarind heart with Abalam mosaic inlay.

Kathy purchased the split shamrock heart, thanks Kathy! (sorry for the closed eyes, split second difference)

Spalted Tamarind with Abalam mosaic inlay

split shamrock

These incredibly charming paintings were a must see! Joshua was painting behind the table, but didn’t want to be in the photos. So, his chair is empty, but you can see the painting in progress on his easel. And as talented artists sometimes go….he had no contact information. He did tell me “Pepere’s” was of course his grandfather. I always encourage people to take time in life to look at the small things and their detail and beauty, and these are proof of that.

Pepere’s Art Gallery

Pepere’s Art Gallery

Pepere’s Art Gallery

Pepere’s Art Gallery

author of books, Karly Rose

Next to Pepere’s was the display of Children’s Books by Karly Rose. She is the author and her books support the NHSPCA. For more information: SEE amazon.com : Furry Tail Matters and snowballhappy@comcast.net .

Caroline and Ellie at the Timberlane Woodworking Class Cutting Boards table

The Timberlane Woodworking Class had a table of cutting boards made by the students. It looks like it must be a great class. Their use of Purpleheart and other beautiful woods and also the inclusion of imperfections which make crazy grain happenings, are what I love!

Jane Lydick Staid is a portrait artist. She creates these beautiful finished pictures from the photographs she takes in her studio sessions. Her newest line is the limited edition series “Fine Art Fairies.” For more information: janelydickstaidphotography.com or 603-382-6775.

Jane Lydick Staid, portrait artist, from Black Friday and Fine Art Fairies

Jane Lydick Staid Photography

Penney Demaris of Penney’s Hats

With winter impending, there were a few tables with winter accessories. My vendor neighbor, Penney, had these gems which are so soft to the touch they would feel warm and comforting on a cold day. For more information: home 978-373-4258 or cell 978-372-2566; and Penney29@verizon.net

Penney’s Hats

Meaghan (and I’m sure her team) completed once again the great feat of putting on an event like this. I’m also sure that it will grow and grow every year because it’s a fun-filled time!

Ebony wood heart with Golden Mother-of-Pearl poinsettia inlay (the poly finish reflects different images and colors)

Thanks Meaghan and sorry for the closed eyes, but I appreciate you letting me take your picture of your purchase!

Tricia was my last, but certainly NOT least customer of the day and she purchased 4 dot inlay hearts! She was also a vendor at the show (Independent Sales Director for Mary Kay) and she bubbles over with enthusiasm. For more information: https://www.marykay.com/triciaedris ; phone 781-248-0431 or email triciamk4u@gmail.com

Thanks so much Tricia!

Mary Kay display

Tricia with Mary Kay customers

I gave away quite a few of my Giveaway Hearts. I’ve made different designs and this one is my latest. I love having them to give to special people or for a special reason or really as just a nice gesture (and good advertising).

2018 Holiday Giveaway Hearts

Lastly, packing up is not the best part of this experience, but it’s made a little better when Mad Batter Confections comes by giving away cupcakes that were left over for the day. Thanks so much to them and thanks to Meaghan and TRHS for inviting me to this great show. Please check out the vendors and their sites to support their businesses and like the pages.

Mad Batter Confections facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/maddbatterconfections